The government has issued many laws and ministerial regulations related to the importance of preserving the environment and implementing the Green Economy, such as Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 04 of 2021 concerning businesses and or activities that are required to have an environmental impact analysis, environmental management efforts and environmental monitoring efforts or a statement of ability to manage and monitor the environment; and RI Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning the protection and management of the environment provides an explanation that environmental pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things, substances, energy, and/or other components into the environment by human activities so that they exceed the established environmental quality standards. Environmental pollution is the contamination of physical and biological components of the earth system and the atmosphere so that it disrupts the balance of environmental ecosystems.

Green Economy has become an interesting hot topic to study in recent times. Green Economy is an economic idea that aims to improve the welfare and social equality of the community, while reducing the risk of environmental damage significantly. Issues of environmental damage, air pollution, increasing global warming have made people aware and encourage the public about the importance of healthy living, the need for environmentally friendly products and services.

There is quite a lot of research on the Role of a Green Economy in sustainable development. One of the Green Economy studies which is also associated with increasing resource efficiency by Mikhno et al. (2021). Research on Green Economy in Sustainable Development and Improvement of Resource Efficiency considers the directions and principles of a “green economy” which serves as the basis for further development of society. This study aims to contribute to the development of a green economy as part of a policy aimed at reducing environmental risks in the process of economic growth.

Several other studies are as follows: 1) Setiawan & Primandhana (2022), economic growth causes an increase in the production of goods and services to meet the basic needs of the population. In addition, economic growth has a long-term impact on environmental damage and causes a decrease in natural resources and causes environmental damage through external influences from production and consumption processes. 2) Spratt and Dunlop (2019) project that in 2050 the world will experience very large natural disasters, such as a lack of clean water, very dirty and unhealthy air. 3) Manisalidis et al. (2020) states that Water, Air & Soil pollution are all aspects of pollution and solutions to pollution in the biosphere. This includes chemical, physical and biological processes that affect flora, fauna, water, air and soil in relation to environmental pollution. Because the scope and fields of study are diverse and cover all aspects of pollution sources, transportation, deposition, accumulation, acid deposition, atmospheric pollution, metals, water pollution including marine pollution.

As for the benefits of implementing the Green Economy, the company will get a good image by the public. Companies can also reduce expenses because with the implementation of the Green Economy the company will save more on the resources used. In addition, the company has also contributed to maintaining the environment for the future.

The existence of a Green Economy, it is expected that companies can manage the use of resources more efficiently and effectively, can control pollution or excessive waste production and create a sense of concern for the environment. The strengthening of the topic of environmental sustainability in global issues inspired ICOEN IX to raise this topic as a form of solidarity in love for the universe created by God Almighty.