Filename / Link | Size |
ICOEN4-p001-Novendy Yoyada David Sukardi Kodrat Effect of Marketing Mix (7P) on Decision of Consumer Selection in Ny Dental Clinic of Surabaya City.pdf | 101.61 Kb |
ICOEN4-p009-Insaniyatus Sakinah, JE Sutanto-Feasibility Study Business Development Kedai Ketan N in Sidoarjo.pdf | 236.81 Kb |
ICOEN4-p019-Ryan Pramuditya, Christina Whidya Utami-Designing Blue Ocean Strategy Model at PT Natural Source Indolestari.pdf | 349.36 Kb |
ICOEN4-p029-Patrick Goenawan T,Trainggoro Wiradinata-Succession Planning in a Family Business (CV. Manikam Jaya Plastik).pdf | 86.44 Kb |
ICOEN4-p036-Winarto Poernomo, Denny Bernardus-The Impact of Service Quality and Positive News of Mass Media Towards Student Satisfaction in University of Ciputra.pdf | 381.14 Kb |
ICOEN4-p044-Edwin Yohanes Gunadisastra, J. E. Sutanto-Innovation Strategy Implementation in Steel Manufacturing Company.pdf | 730.8 Kb |
ICOEN4-p058-Juneita Titing Senewe, David Sukardi Kodrat-The Delays Factors of Housing Projects From the Licensing Management Aspects Point of View.pdf | 95.4 Kb |
ICOEN4-p068-Amelia Alim,Tina Melinda-Influencing Factors in Choosing A Preschool (A Case Study in Ivy Preschool Surabaya).pdf | 158.99 Kb |
ICOEN4-p075-Heryanto Prayogo, Tina Melinda-Developing Strategy of Product, Price,Promotion and Location to Gain Revenue of Kapin Restaurant Using SWOT Analysis.pdf | 91.76 Kb |
ICOEN4-p083-Laili Affidah, JE Sutanto-The Role of SWOT in Business Development of Mahreen Collection.pdf | 125.31 Kb |
ICOEN4-p094-Sheila Vania Winata,Tina Melinda-Innovation for Hype Leather.pdf | 153.89 Kb |
ICOEN4-p102-Junko Alessandro Effendy, Thomas Stefanus Kaihatu- Factors That Encourage Decision to Become A Hybrid Entrepreneur.pdf | 186.06 Kb |
ICOEN4-p111-Putro Bagus Sulistyo,David Sukardi Kodrat-The Analysis of Business Development Strategies in Esa Farma Pharmacy.pdf | 91.01 Kb |
ICOEN4-p120-Allen Dharmawan Wicaksono, Danardana Murwani-The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Student Motivation Toward the Student Academic Achievement in Humanities Class at Ciputra Junior High School Surabaya.pdf | 122.75 Kb |
ICOEN4-p128-Andrew Limandow, Thomas Stefanus Kaihatu-Perception of Potential Patients and Doctors Againts Doctors Based Online Consulting Services.pdf | 126.35 Kb |
ICOEN4-p137-Antoni Widiya, David Sukardi Kodrat-Business Development Feasibility Study of Architect Consultant A.pdf | 90.76 Kb |
ICOEN4-p146-Christian Boby Widjaja, Wirawan E.D. Radianto-Decision of PT. S to Continue or Discontinue a Segment of Certain Products Using Relevant Cost Analysis.pdf | 72.48 Kb |
ICOEN4-p152-Eko Purwanto, David Sukardi Kodrat-Marketing Strategy for Scale up Beauty Clinics nfd.pdf | 80.26 Kb |
ICOEN4-p160-Elia Rapha Tister Nursalim, Denny Benardus-Analysis of Marketing Mix About People’s Buying Decision of Walking Revival Products.pdf | 231.78 Kb |
ICOEN4-p168-Puput Tri Kusminto, J E Sutanto-Business Development of Communication Education Institution of Surabaya, East Java.pdf | 70.8 Kb |
ICOEN4-p174-Tjoeng Lenni Indriani,Tina Melinda-Analysis of Price Determining Strategy at Prima Skin Clinic Semarang.pdf | 121.39 Kb |
ICOEN4-p182-Dian Juliantine,Tina Melinda-Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Towards Amylinear Product-.pdf | 81.62 Kb |
ICOEN4-p188-Henry Samuel Tanuwijaya, Tina Melinda-Online Marketing Strategy of Hot Wheels Product Using Marketing Mix.pdf | 99.3 Kb |
ICOEN4-p197-Puspita,Thomas Stefanus Kaihatu-The Effect of Service Quality and Price Toward Customers’ Satisfaction at Toko Raja Pulsa – Ternate.pdf | 77.75 Kb |
ICOEN4-p203-Febrian Bagus Pakerti, David Sukardi Kodrat-The Benefits of Using Sugarcane Loader for The Cutting-Loading-Transporting Management at Sugar Cane Factory Djatiroto, Lumajang.pdf | 80.7 Kb |
ICOEN4-p210-Amelia Tedjabhawa,David Sukardi Kodrat-Positioning Strategy of Service Product at XYZ Company in East Java.pdf | 123.24 Kb |
ICOEN4-p219-Farida Anwari, Hermeindito-Marketing Mix Analysis on Decision Making to Study in The Continuing Higher Education (Studies in Stikes Anwar Medika Hospital Sidoarjo).pdf | 154.79 Kb |
ICOEN4-p231-Alvand Gosal, Denny Bernardus-Business to Business Marketing Strategies For Fresh Orange Juice Xyz Products.pdf | 92.63 Kb |
ICOEN4-p239-Yenny Rahayu,Tina Melinda-The Factor Analysis on Purchasing Decision Making in Stores X.pdf | 228.61 Kb |
ICOEN4-p248-Kuswana Rama Destian, David Sukardi Kodrat-Impact Evaluation of Swm Sps Dealership System By PT SIS to Pt RMBA.pdf | 86.83 Kb |
ICOEN4-p256-Shinta Nastiti,Hermeindito-Leadership Role and Organizational Culture inthe Succession Planning of PT DABN .pdf | 80.81 Kb |
ICOEN4-p263-Alfy Wahyu Pramita Sari,Tina Melinda-The Analysis of Brand Building Factor of Tea Product in Surabaya.pdf | 79.87 Kb |
ICOEN4-p270-Amanda Syafrida Paramita, Christina Whidya Utami-Analysis The Influence of Trust on Succession Planning (Study at Sonokembang Group).pdf | 210.49 Kb |
ICOEN4-p280- Anindita Laksmi,JE Sutanto-The Effects of Training, Recruitment And Leadership on Commitment to Service Quality Employees (Study Case Sonokembang Catering).pdf | 104.95 Kb |
ICOEN4-p285-Grace Latumahina, Dr. Christina Whidya Utami, M.M- Analyze The Effects of Service Quality, Price, and Product Quality Trend Tracer on Consumer Purchase Satisfaction.pdf | 74.64 Kb |